Rothco 8” GI Type Jungle Boot

Rothco makes quality outdoor and sports gear for all types of situation. Whether you are in a combat intensive environment, or if you are a recreational user, rothco will fit the lifestyle of many. Quality tested and performance driven, use rothco.
Running shoe comfort in a military boot, Suede leather upper with breathable mesh, 8" height, YKK side zipper, Padded collar, steel shank, and Rustproof eyelets
Rothco's 6" Forced Entry Desert Tan Boots Are ISO 9001 Certified. Available In Regular Width And Wide Width. These Boots Feature A Suede Leather Upper With A Breathable Mesh Comfort Collar, Eva Mid-Sole, Rubber Out-Sole, Mountaineer Sole, Steel Shank And 5 Eyelet Lace System.
Rothco makes quality outdoor and sports gear for all types of situation. Whether you are in a combat intensive environment, or if you are a recreational user, rothco will fit the lifestyle of many. Quality tested and performance driven, use rothco.
Rothco makes quality outdoor and sports gear for all types of situation. Whether you are in a combat intensive environment, or if you are a recreational user, Rothko will fit the lifestyle of many. Quality tested and performance driven, use Rothko.
Rothco makes quality outdoor and sports gear for all types of situation. Whether you are in a combat intensive environment, or if you are a recreational user, rothco will fit the lifestyle of many. Quality tested and performance driven, use rothco.
Rothco makes quality outdoor and sports gear for all types of situation. Whether you are in a combat intensive environment, or if you are a recreational user, rothco will fit the lifestyle of many. Quality tested and performance driven, use rothco.
Tan Mountaineer Sole Military Desert Deployment Boots w/Side Zipper (Leather) 9" - Suede leather upper with breathable mesh. Has running shoe last. YKK zipper. Comfort collar. Eva midsole/rubber outsole. Steel shank. Rust proof 8 eyelet lace system. Mountaineer sole. Great for law enforcement personnel, public safety ...